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Location : Home > Program Systems > Detailed program desciption

Positive Power and Influence®

Global branding influence program. Enable you to handle difficult situation with skill and ease

Target :

Supervisors and managers leading regional cooperation; Project manager leading cross-functional projects; Managers and supervisors who want to lead team with personal influence.

Duration :2 Days

Level: Middle Manager Senior Manager

Fee :6280

Public Seminars' Benefits:

They are needed by enterprises because they can meet the following challenges:
They are skillful in solving “grey” problems which requires trans-functional cooperation to make breakthrough progress or resolve crisis.
They are adept at handling tough people whose cooperation is key for going through the bottleneck.
They know how to push the way forward when uncertainties and changes come, followed by people’s doubts and anxiety.  

When trouble arises, they can utilize their influences to push forward and facilitate strategically, to achieve the purpose of mobilization and integration.
Mobilization: Turn vision and goals into concrete action and timetable
Integration: Bond different departments and employees, to employees, even though they have their own perspectives, needs, and priorities for action.
Companies need them to guarantee efforts, promotion, development and upgrading. This need is especially urgent in the current environment which is changing and full of intense competition.
Such influence is often classified as “personal charm”, which seems to be hardly obtained. However, companies need to cultivate more such charm more rapidly.
What makes it difficult? Let’s recall those difficult situations, and we’ll find that although the managers have mastered a series of communication skills, it is difficult to identify:
What are influencing us? In a difficult situation, the atmosphere is subtle and the people are more sensitive and subject to influence. However, we often feel the interaction with the energy of the target; sometimes it's intimate, sometimes it's cold and sometimes it’s tense…but it is hard to identify what behaviors have caused such a result. 
How to influence? In a difficult situation, each step of communication is enlarged and hard to master: How to cut in at the beginning? How to balance the elements during the process? How to adjust the strategy according to the response of the target?
What kind of person am I? How can I make changes? Interpersonal interaction is hard to measure and individuals can hardly observe themselves, so, naturally, it is hard to make changes. Courage is required to face difficult situations, and as time passes, “personal charm” often becomes an excuse of self-comfort, which prevents changes.
Program Features:
The influence model is an effective tool of explanation, which can clearly define influences and is easy to be learned, remembered and applied:
This model (see the figure on the right) starts from 2 energies and is classified into 4 styles and 10 behaviors, which clearly show influences, which look special, to the participants. This model, just like a “mirror of behavior” during the interaction, allows the participants to clearly know “what are influencing both parties”. Behind the model, there are solid researches of multiple institutions like the NTL, the Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The diagnosis tool of “5 steps of influence plan” can diagnose the current situation of influence and “flexibly utilize” influencing methods. With the help of the diagnosis tool, participants can know which influencing method is the most effective and how to adjust upon unexpected situations. In addition, during the whole process of teaching, participants can repeatedly exercise the 10 influencing behaviors via case study, role playing and video, etc. to enhance their “flexibility” to utilize different influencing methods.

Ensure changes by implementing behaviorist training methods. The whole course is mainly about behaviorist training methods. During the self-test before the class, participants learn their frequently used influencing styles through the test for the first time; and in class, the whole process of situational exercise is recorded, every team member feedback the influencing method used by the target and his/her own feelings according to the specific behaviors observed, in this way, participants can how and to what extent they’ve influenced the others in a intuitive way. Therefore, participants can realize their limitations in terms of consciousness, attitude and behavior and make compulsory changes through exercise. Such a steady way of behaviorist training is the most effective way to change behavioral habits so far.
This course is an advanced course on the basis of the course of general communication/interpersonal skills. It does not teach communication skills but the focused and flexible combination of all communication skills in different situations. Participants will learn to diagnose every situation in which influence needs to be utilized and to fulfill personal job objectives while maintaining the important work relationship with the most effective influencing style.
This classical course of influence of the world has been over 30 years old, and is still being taught in over 40 countries with 20 languages; furthermore, it has been a compulsory course for manager promotion of many Fortune 500 companies.




How you will benefit

- Use positive power and influence to meet objectives and maintain or build working relationships 
- Develop influence style flexibility - become conscious of what you say and how, and become neutral about the styles
- Influence others regardless of positional power
- Expand use of influence in daily work situations

What you will cover

Pre-Program Assignment
- Influence Style Questionnaire (ISQ) helps to recognize one’s influence style

Program Introduction
- Power & Influence
- Positive and Negative Power & Influence
- Spheres of Influence

- Consensus Decision-Making Exercise (Video Record & Feedback)
- Push & Pull Exercise: Perceive Different Power
- Situational Influence Model
- Consensus Decision-Making Exercise Feedback (Video Review)
- Influence Style Questionnaire (ISQ) Analysis

Exploring Alternative Styles
- Style Flexibility Tracks Persuading, Asserting, Bridging, Attracting, Disengaging)
- Style: Persuading Track
- Style: Asserting Track
- Style: Bridging Track
- Style: Attracting Track
- Style: Disengaging Track

Skill Practice
- Skill Practice(Video Record)
- Video review and peer to peer feedback to self-awareness of influence styles and  behaviors

- Case study
- Learn the Five-Step Planning Process
- Apply the Five-Step Planning Process to your own situation

Continuing Self-development
- Preparing for Self-Development.


“Group discussion was recorded, I'm surprised to see how I influence others and what I usually do and don't do. I also saw the outcomes of my approaches, it makes me want to learn more flexible ways to influence others.”

“The ‘Situational Influence Model’ ties all course content together nicely, it's really easy to understand, during exercises, we were constantly reminded to realize the energy, style, and behavior we used, through repeated exercise, I did see the improvements I made, the course was very valuable.”

“The tools provided in class are very practical in dealing with real scenario. Especially the ‘Influence Planning Tool’ it quantifies which influence style is most appropriate under certain situation in digital way, it also helped me prepare for what I need to say, gives me more confidence in dealing with such situations.”

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