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Location : Home > Program Systems > Detailed program desciption


Turn blaming and isolation into collaboration

Target :

 Department Managers and above

Duration :2 Days


Fee :5880

Public Seminars' Benefits:

 This program is developed by the Arbinger Institute in the United States after it has done years of research in the field of Humanities. It received wide acclaim from companies including Microsoft, 3M, Bayer, Johnson and Johnson, Alibaba, BMW, Chemtrend, SGS, Sanofi-aventis buffy Pasteur, Lens Crafters—the world’s largest glasses chain enterprises, Raytheon—the missile manufacturer.

Why do we need Choice?
The below scenarios are common in the companies:
- Most people think problems are caused by others; only a few feel themselves are part of the reason; no one is willing to take responsibility.
- Conflict is strong and hidden; people assign blame to each other instead of solving the problem;
- Managers and subordinates see each other with bias; they fail to discuss issues based on facts;
- People hold bad feelings towards each other; they compete with each other and cannot cooperate......
Although we tried various means to improve these scenarios: building organization culture, resolving cross-functional conflict, enhancing leadership, improving communication, improving team building, enhancing employee relations…they seem to always live there, and keep consuming the organizational energy, loosening organizational structure, and eroding organizational resources. Why? What goes wrong?
After many years’ research, the Arbinger Institute discovered that all the above are "people’s issues". Addressing them only at the behavioral level cannot completely remove them. We need to look at the “way of being”.

Program highlights:
- It guides the participants to explore their inner world and provoke changes from inside out. Based on this, participants will improve their interpersonal relationship by making behavioral change.
- It revives team spirit, enhances trust building, collaboration, and reduces conflicts.
- Learning takes place through experience. Through team discussion, videos and role play, participants will have deeper self-reflection and self-awareness.

What you will benefit

- Realize the blind spots
- Improve the ability of awaking
- Enable participants to control their own mentalities and emotions
- Face the reality with an open mind

What you will cover

Way of being: in the box and out of the box
- hat matters is not the "Behavior", but more deeply the "Way of Being".
- One can choose his way of being, same as he can choose his behavior.
- There are two Ways of Being: seeing others as people (Out of the box) or seeing others as objects (In the box). Out of box, others are the same important as us. In the box, others are not as important as us.

In the box
- We normally intend to “see others as people”. How can do we turn to seeing others as objects, and when? What is the impact?
- When we see others as objects, we need to justify what we are doing. We either exaggerate what we see, or downplay what others see, to prove we are right.
Then what is justification? How to tell whether we are justifying?

Four Ways of justification
- We justify in four ways: “better than” ,”I deserve”, “worse than”, “must be seen as”.
- Which way do we often use, and how do we think and what do we say?

Values and the way of being
- Our value interacts with our way of being.  When we are in the box, we use our value as weapon. While we appear to be defending our value, we actually discard it.
- How do we attach others and betray our value? How to stay out of the box and maintain our value?

Impact of “in the box” to the others
- When both are in the box, conflict easily arises. Seeing it, we are able to stay out of the box and resolve conflict.
- The war between two boxes can escalate to a war between two group of boxes. The cross-functional barriers then come into being.

Out of the box
- Know when you are in the box and how to get out of the box. Take responsibility to control your way of being.
- Know how to stop justification and stay out of the box to collaborate.

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