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Location : Home > Program Systems > Detailed program desciption

Shining Customer Service

Provide service to win customers and personal success

Target :

Customer Service Representative, Customer engineer, Customer service line manager, Sales, Internal service staff

Duration :2 Days

Level: Supervisor

Fee :4280

Public Seminars' Benefits:

More and more companies view customer service as the embodiment of customer values or even competitive edge. By intangible and continuous quality service and with reasonable cost, companies make customers feel that it’s worth it or even above the price in value and it is different from the service provided by other competitors. Then customer loyalty is got. Meanwhile, since companies focus more on “customer value”, customer service the original terminal point gradually turns to a source facilitating companies to continuously optimize products, technology and even process.
This course centers on various processes of customer service and teaches customer service personnel to help the companies to gain customer loyalty, expand business, avoid losses and improve products or processes. Through this course, customer service personnel can not only realize their value for customers and their companies, but also establish positive consciousness of customer service, understanding the purpose of each process of customer service well and master corresponding practical skills of customer service.




How you will benefit

- Recognize the importance of service :excellence-service is an extension of sales.
- Understand the core significance of quality service and ensure that it is valuable and meaningful for customer, enterprise and individual 
- Enhance the professional image of the individual and enterprise to gain customer’s trust and respect
- Master the essentials of how to deal with customers and leave a good first impression
- Correctly utilize the service process and skills tailored to customer needs so as to win the customer loyalty.
- Handle different situations effectively

What you will cover

Understand service and build service attitude
- The place of service in competition
- Core value of customer service personnel
    People: Care the customer and win customer loyalty
    Subject: Implement and improve the product or process
    Matter: Expand business and prevent losses
- Moment of Truth

Set keynote and express readiness to provide service
- Set keynote: basic, satisfied and attractive
- Service input and influence under each keynote
- Leave a good first impression
    Face-to-face service
    Telephone service
- Make customers feel being respected and taken care of

Deliver delightful experience
- Step 1: Identify the need of the customer
- Step 2: Determine the root of the requirement
- Step 3: Provide information
- Step 4: Facilitate the customer’s expectation and probe for solution
- Step 5: Settle objection and disagreement
- Step 6: Reach agreement and summarize follow-up actions

Handle difficult situation
- Understand how customers feel when they are complaining
- The appropriate attitude towards complaining customers
- Handle emotion
- Methods and steps of handling complaints


“The program help me to better understand the real need of customers and effectively solve problems.”

“Let us know how to deal with client in future job and how to deal with the complaints of various customers.”

“The program helps me to have a deep understanding on the need and emotion of people and conduct deeper communication with customers, colleagues and even family members.”

Time Location Duration Fee On-line sign up
There is no public semina information.

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