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Lead as Career Coach

Coach your employees to plan and develop their career

Target :

Supervisors, managers and HR professionals, who hope to hold effective dialogues with the employees when the latter have career confusions or development desires, or are facing career choices, and, through guiding the employees to make intelligent career development plans, help the organizations well retain and develop talents.

Duration :2 Days

Level: Middle Manager Senior Manager

Fee :6280

Public Seminars' Benefits:

This program helps reduce unnecessary turnover, and retain and develop talents. It facilitates succession management for both management and technical functions. It contributes to managing career development desire before the organization formally establishes its career pipeline, and creating positive and fair development atmosphere. It is also instructive to employees born after 1980s to manage their career effectively.
As a manager, have you ever been plagued with the below questions from your subordinates:
- Am I supposed to be promoted or be given a pay rise? 
- When could I become a manager? 
- Could you give me something else to do? I would need more space. 
- I want to go out for a try. What would you say?
You often know the answer. But your experience holds you from speaking out:
- Your subordinate could leave in a fury at your saying “You’re not good enough.” 
- Your subordinate would deem your saying “I don’t think you are suitable” as making excuse. 
- Your subordinate might be too frustrated at your saying “It’s not yet time.”
- Even if you are making the remark from the bottom of your heart “Here is the best for you”, your subordinate could be skeptical at your intention.
Alternatively you wind around with big caution and patience, which does not produce positive result:
- Your subordinate feels that you’re evading, and you do not care, and your relationship is harmed; 
- Your subordinate is de-motivated and leave;
- You lose one of your best subordinate and he misses a good workplace.
Now, The Career Navigator Program for Managers from AMA can release you from the above scenarios and shape you as a career coach full of wisdom and affection. You will benefit a lot from 3-day learning.
-Acquire the career planning toolbox: AMA career development model, career planning steps and skills, personal career map, MBTI personality assessment, value appraisal...
- Acquire the career coaching toolbox: AMA career coaching model, career coaching steps and skills, tips for coping with challenging situations, dialoging skills… 
- Enable you to help your subordinates understand themselves: personal traits, advantages, overused areas, areas to be developed, and career fit; 
- Enable you to help your subordinates adjust their mindset and avoid making unrealistic goals or taking shortcuts; 
- Enable you to help your subordinates make career plans: setting goals, making action plans, implementing and following up;
- Enable you to help your subordinates get through career valleys and grow: releasing emotion, exerting inner energy (belief, control, and endurance);
- Enable you to communicate with your subordinates on personnel decisions in an objective, fair, and convincing manner; 
- Review your own career planning: deepening self-awareness, reviewing career position, checking inner voice;
 Increase your value to your subordinates by being their career coach.
Why The Career Navigator Program for Managers from AMA is your best choice?
- This program is based on AMA US materials and local-developed through 12 months’ effort by HR directors, senior line managers, and seasoned career coaches from Fortune 500 companies;
- Best practices in Fortune 500 are integrated into this program for the purpose of arriving at what will work for the organizations in China rather than duplicating the practices;
- This program will be delivered by AMA senior consultant with people development and career coaching experiences in Fortune 500 companies; 
- Case studies, role plays and assessment tools are all from the corporate which are real and for practical use; 
- The participants will experience significant learning to the benefit of both the individual and the organization.





How you will benefit

- Acquire career coaching skills to improve coaching competence and add value to employees
- Keep employees inspired, and guide them to make mature career choices
- Integrate career development into employee management to achieve both performance and people growth
- Retain and develop talents by creating win-win


What you will cover

Module 1 Understand career planning and take managers'  responsibilities
- Employees’ common career myths in career planning
- Employees: “external job satisfaction” vs. “internal career contentment”
- Organizations: “external job satisfaction” vs. “internal career contentment”
- Employees vs. Organizations: Win-win
- Career development and planning
- Managers’ responsibilities for managing employees’ career
- 6 career dilemma and managers’ responsibilities

Module 2 Design career path
Assess employees’ assets

- Elements of superior assets: Features, values & capabilities
- Assess employees’ personal assets:
  Pass Experience: Experience at peak and bottom
  Assessment: Understand personal features
                           Understand career values
                           Conclude core capabilities
  Check: Identify superior assets
- Exercises on the coach’s dialogues: Understand employees’ personal assets

Match with organizational demands
- Understand organization expectations
- Different organizational assignments’ effects on employees development
- Different career development positioning and related mission assignment

Identify plans for employee development
- Create plans for employees’ career development

Module 3 Become a career coach
- A career coach’s roles, mindset and skills
- Typical difficult situations for the career coach’s dilemma 
- OCEAN dialogues
- OCEAN dialogues in different career development status

- Summarize learning and discovery
- Complete employees’ development plans












Time Location Duration Fee On-line sign up
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