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Advanced Training the Trainer

Become the master: explore the secret of training design and facilitation

Target :

Corporate trainer who has over 3-year experience and wishes to develop into a senior trainer; Mid & high-level managers with internal training delivery experience; Have attended various ‘Train the trainer’ courses

Duration :3 Days

Level: Middle Manager Senior Manager

Fee :9880

Public Seminars' Benefits:

As an internal trainer with 3-year experience, Li Yang is familiar with how to deliver standard courses introduced from abroad. Since the enterprise required him to localize these courses, Li Yang has modified them by adding more learning points and activities. However, the participants almost learnt nothing in spite of the active atmosphere on the pilot course, leaving the effects not ideal. The management, though recognizing Li Yang’s efforts, also does not think the participants truly absorb the course and the training purpose has been achieved. Li Yang is puzzled. He doesn't understand what goes wrong with a course with highlighted learning points, clear structure, updated content and format, role play, cases and activities.

As each insider knows, there are two leaps a trainer must experience. The first one is “getting on the stage”, which means delivering the course successfully; the second one is “getting mature”, which includes each link of training delivery, course design and finally, helping participants apply what they learnt. Comparatively speaking, the first leap is easier to realize and can be achieved by attending “Train the Trainer” program. However, the second one is much more difficult and requires a long process of consistent probing. Is there any shortcut?

Specially designed by AMA, the “Advanced Train the Trainer” course skips the basics of presentation skills or training methods. Instead, it focuses on helping trainer transform participants’ willingness, cognition and behaviors through facilitative method to achieve the second leap and enhance the training effects.
The course has covered all the essential skills of advanced trainings in its 4 modules:
1. Become a facilitative trainer: how to apply “pull” or “push” in terms of changing participants’ behaviors? Get to
know the facilitation degree and process required by various situations.
2. Identify training needs: spot the behavioral gaps within the framework of corporate needs before identifying the causes of willingness, cognition and skills behind, so that the training can be more tailored and effective.
3. Course design and development: based on the accelerated learning theories, AMA has developed an 8-step course design tool, which makes the training more relevant to the participants by applying various facilitation degrees on various groups of people.
4. Facilitative training skills: acquire 3 kinds of facilitation methods to help participants deepen understanding, build new awareness and master new skills.
The internal trainers will acquire a series of practical tools:
1. Identify needs: a complete set of tools including questionnaire, interview, competence model, performance analysis, etc.
2. Course design tool: an 8-step method – the 8 flexibly-arranged design elements penetrate the whole learning process and extend from one learning point to one module and one course at large.
3. Facilitation skills: guide from the 3 aspects of “involvement”, “process” and “depth” to solve the issues of how to create an active atmosphere, give inspiring feedback, make your questions deeper, answer participants’ difficult questions, limit topic scope, facilitate team thinking, etc.
To guarantee instant learning effects and improvements, we’ll create a drill ground for participants in the whole training process:
1. Course enrollment: the course is only open to experienced trainers and the number of participants will be limited for better effects.
2. Pre-training: the participants should design a course with a clear topic
3. On-the-training: one participant delivers his course before the trainer and other participants commenting on both his course design and delivery skills

 4. When mastering advanced training tools and methods, the participant should modify his course design, deliver it once again and gain more feedback from the trainer and participants
5. Post-training: the training-delivery videos will be sent to the participants for more exercise and review
All of our course design is in the hope of helping refresh and renew the knowledge and skills as a trainer:
1. Jump out of “a mere formality” needs analysis and identify the key issues in strategy, competence, performance and participants’ development needs to prepare for the course design.
2. Jump out of the pile-up of such elements as cases/role play/video/games and des

ign a tailored learning process. Thus, an adequate preparation and a smooth learning process can be achieved.
3. Jump out of the inflexible delivery mode and apply proper facilitation skills with proper degrees to handle participants’ challenges, to demonstrate the content and structure, to express the course spirit, and to achieve the training purpose.

Since its fist launch in 2004, AMA's “Advanced Training the Trainer” course has been hailed throughout the industry. The participants all said that the course helped them solve their puzzles and enable them to learn essential training skills. Someone even enrolled half a year before it’s held.


How you will benefit

- Grasp core skills to define training need and make training focused
- Understand adult learning features and grasp participant-oriented training design methods
- Grasp facilitation skills

What you will cover

From good to great: Key elements to become a senior trainer

Become a facilitative trainer
- How different level of facilitation work in the training
- Steps of facilitation: Define, Design, Deliver

Define: Defining training needs
- Identify goal and clarify behavior gaps
- Analyze causes of different level behind behavior gap
- Define training needs

Design: Designing and developing training program
- Accelerated adult learning process
- How to arrange training materials
- Design facilitation level for each training step

Deliver: Facilitating training program
- 3 kinds of facilitation: involvement, process, depth
- Involvement facilitation
- Process facilitation
- Depth facilitation


“The course not only solves the problems that puzzle me many years, it also offers many delivery skills.”

“I am inspired and able to go deep into training issues.”

"The course gives me the confidence in how to keep participants’ interest and passion, which was one of my headaches.”

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