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Location : Home > Program Systems > Detailed program desciption

Global Leadership

Master corporate leadership under cross-cultural background

Target :

Professional managers who need to enhance cross-cultural leadership

Duration :2 Days

Level: Middle Manager Senior Manager

Fee :undetermined

Public Seminars' Benefits:

For companies, it’s already not easy to foster managers. Let alone to facilitate fostered managers to stand out in the globalization trend! Innumerable companies ever ambitiously promised to become leaders in globalization; bundles of managers confidently sailed across the seas with their transnational teams. But finally before trend’s arrival, they’ve parted in discord due to internal dissension and left huge costs for companies as well as endless regrets!

How many transnational companies are there in China? Many companies used to march towards the international market with great ambition, but a few years later, they successively suffer from layoffs, reconstruction and resigning of senior executives…Now, people start to think it over: Are leaders of Chinese companies ready for transnational operation?

There are 3 standards for the success of transnational operation: Static integration of assets, dynamic integration of business and spiritual integration of cultures. Asset integration is the task of professionals, business integration is the task of the management team and cultural integration is the task of leaders. Only by integrating teams from different cultures into a transnational force to face challenges from all sides can the goal of transnational operation by reached and the company be really transnational.

According to the standards above, outstanding cross-cultural leaders are obviously scarce resources in China, few leaders are both capable of knowing local and foreign cultures and leading their teams well, however, on the other hand, there are numerous Chinese companies engaged in transnational operation.  While the operation goals of companies are more and more connected with cultural exchanges and the globalization of economy, it is urgent for a transnational company or a globalized leader to expand and update the practice of global leadership during the cross-cultural communication and impact. In this way, leaders of companies can survive in the globalized market competition!

How to cultivate a cross-cultural leader:

Approach - Approach cross-cultural difference. With the intensification of globalization, leadership styles that used to be effective in a single culture may be invalid in the multicultural context. Do multicultural leaders know the reason why their familiar leadership styles become invalid? And what are the costs of improper leadership across different cultures?

Appreciate - Appreciate cross-cultural difference. Can cross-cultural leaders explore that there are handicaps of cultural differences on the back of many management troubles? Cultures are generated by people and differ for different peoples, the differences among members of a cross-cultural team will be embodies from several dimensions. For instance: power distance, individualism-collectivism, risk tolerance, communicating styles……However, behind such dimensions, there are common human natures. To appreciate cross-cultural differences is to help leaders to learn such differences and interpret peoples mind behind such differences.

Adjoin – Adjoin to cross-cultural conversation. How to adjust your own management style according to different cultures and to deprive more efficient working relationships and environment in case of conflicts of multiple parties due to cultural differences? How to flexible utilize tools and methods at proper moments, identify the cultural differences in the team and find solutions of conflicts when leading the team?

Absorb – Absorb cross-cultural leadership. In the face of the global environment of multi-culture, how can we integrate qualities necessary for cross-cultural leaders and cultivate courageous, broad-minded and wise cross-cultural leaders? How can they improve their cross-cultural leadership and enhance the global competitiveness of their companies according to their own leadership work in practice.

Features of AMA Program:
- Clear logic of thought, closely focusing on cross-cultural leadership.
The training adopts the 4As (Approach, Appreciate, Adjoin and Absorb) as the main thread to successively go further from understanding of differences, through conversion and to the implementation of leadership.
- Exercises of cross-cultural occasions with in-depth analysis. Cross-cultural occasion is the major background of the program, and each exercise helps the participants to master a practical tool, learn in-depth analysis on themselves and the others and master the adjustment of leadership styles according to different differences to reduce cultural impact, eliminate cultural conflicts and realize cultural integration. For instance: at a cross-national conference, market supervisors from the US, France, Japan, Mexico and Brazil have different expectations for the first cross-national conference. Some expect to establish good relationship with peers of foreign countries; some expect to start division of work of projects immediately, some expects to the conference to end as soon as possible as it conflicts with his daughter’s birthday party…participants will learn how to understand cultural differences between different countries, how to talk with people from different cultural background and how to lead them in cross-cultural projects as leaders of cross-cultural teams.


How you will benefit

- Develop global style of thinking and behaviors in management
- Build trust and communicate effectively with employees from different countries and regions 
- Improve leadership of managers to lead employees from different countries and regions 
- Under the dynamic business model and cultural backgrounds, ensure the effective implementation of local operations
- Enable managers to lead multi-national team to reach a consensus and create new competitive advantages based on different cultural backgrounds

What you will cover

The globalization process and cross-cultural influences 
- Feel the changes of the world around 
- The driving force and development trend of globalization 
- Globalization impact on enterprise, employees and managers 
- Factors that impede the growth of global leaders

Understanding cross-cultural differences 
- Expressions of cultural differences
- Cultural connotations 
- Cognitive processes of  cross-culture
- Dimensions of cross-cultural differences

Perspective on the dimension of cross-cultural differences 
- Dimension 1: Hierarchy
- Dimension 2: Individualism - Collectivism
- Dimension 3: Risk tolerance
- Dimension 4: Communication style

Develop cross-cultural leadership 
- Remove the confrontation of different cultures 
- Open cross-cultural dialogue
- Skills of cross-cultural dialogue: 3 steps 
- Develop cross-cultural leadership
- Comprehensive scenario simulation of cross-culture

"What precious is, this program guides me to view progress from a leader's angles in the cross-cultural scenario."

"My mentality has been adjusted to better accommodate different culture."

"Tools are easy for practice, with clear logic and actual cases."

Time Location Duration Fee On-line sign up
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