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Location : Home > Corporate Solution > 内训介绍 > Action Learning

What’s Action Learning?
Action learning can both solve problems and improve capability. It helps to gather a group of people and solve the real problems, while facilitating what participants can learn from this process and tracking how each individual’s learnt experience can benefit other team-members and even the entire organization.

                                                                               —— Michael Marquardt (Chairman of World Institute for Action Learning)

AMA assists action learning to solve the following problems
- Companies generally worry the slow return of trainings which can hardly solve corporate real management difficulties.
- Trainees sit and prattle about the general principle in the classroom but seldom put learning into working practice.
- Effect of traditional training is hard to evaluate; value of training organizers cannot be recognized.

Action learning helps to solve real problems inside the company, but we need external consulting institute’s assistance because action learning projects’ failure usually results from:
- Choosing improper problems
- Lack of organizational support
- Lack of time
- Lack of mutual support among members and commitment to learning
- Incapable of effectively define and solve problems
- Much action but less learning; simple execution with little retrospection
- Lack of action; ideas cannot be implemented
- Projects’ structure is too simple or complex

A professional consulting insitute tries its best to provide reasonable advice and helps to solve problems above.

Value from AMA in Action Learning Guidance
- Help for selecting and identifying problems fit for solution
- Support for organizing learning team
- Guidance on question and retrospection during action learning
- Stimulation for trainees’ commitment to action
- Stimulation for trainees’ commitment to learning; training support when necessary
- In the whole action learning process, AMA’s consultants realize excellent communication, provide wonderful guidance and create ideal atmosphere.